90 Plandome Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 | Tel: 516.365.7244 | nsnurseryschool@gmail.com
Health & Safety
The health and safety of the children is our highest priority.
Please remember we are a NUT-FREE school. Even foods made in a plant that makes foods with peanuts or tree nuts are not safe! Please read all labels carefully before sending any snack into the classroom!
All children are required to be fully immunized according to NYS regulations for registration.
Please help us keep germs to a minimum. Please teach your child to cover his/her nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Children should also know how to use a tissue and blow their nose. All children, even 2 years old are able to understand. We teach this in class, but it must be reinforced at home.
Please keep children home whenever they show any of these symptoms: red or discharge from eyes, running nose, coughing, headache, stomach ache, chills or fever, sore throat, or any cold symptoms. See the attached link for guidelines to keeping children home from school.
For more information on when to keep sick children home from school, click here.
Parents are required to call, email or message through Brightwheel when their child will be absent, and the reason for their absence.
It is NSNS’s policy that children must not return to school until they have been fever-free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours. Children must also be vomit and diarrhea-free for at least 24 hours prior to returning to school.
Please use the utmost caution when driving through the parking lot. Remember to pull around to the right and drive around the parking lot to exit. Do not stop your car by the breezeway entrance; you must always park your car in one of the spaces. You may not leave your car in the parking lot beyond 5 minutes during drop-off or pick-up. Please walk your child to the doors and do not leave them until a teacher has acknowledged that they have your child.